Mill Valley Little League Parade 2024 Details
The beloved Mill Valley Little League Parade is marching back into town. Please save the date of March 16th, 2024.
We’re hoping for blue skies for our Opening Day Parade and Ceremony. The parade will start at 9:00 am, led by the traditional bagpipe brigade. The parade route cuts through town on its way to Boyle Park for the ceremony and introduction of our 2024 teams.
Please read below for parade details and guidelines and take special note of our alternate plans if there is wet weather in the forecast.
Mill Valley Little League Opening Day
Date: Saturday, March 16th
Arrival Time: 8:30 am SHARP!
Meeting Location: Old Mill School (352 Throckmorton). Players need to locate their Team Manager and teammates in the middle of the street. Players need to stay with their teams and be in line before the parade begins. Players march with their Manager, Coaches and teammates, NOT their parents.
Parade Begins: 9:00 am SHARP!
Specific Guidelines:
Participants: The Opening Day Parade is for the players, so please drop your player off with his/her Manager and Coaches, and then enjoy the parade from the sidewalk where you can cheer them on and leave the street clear for the marching players and parade vehicles.
Attire: All players are to be dressed in their uniforms. Players should wear sneakers rather than cleats since they will be walking on pavement through the streets of Mill Valley.
Important Safety Concerns: Mill Valley asks that we do not provide the players with candy or dog treats to throw at the crowd. These are a real pain to clean up! BUT, you can help your children practice their parade waves and smiles!
Parade route begins at Old Mill School and will wind through downtown, up Throckmorton, onto Blithedale, then along Sunnyside, ending up at the Minor League field at Boyle Park.
Even if the weather is nice, the grass will likely be wet at Boyle, so TEAMS SHOULD BRING A TARP FOR PLAYERS TO SIT ON. Parents are asked to stand behind the area set aside for the teams and are encouraged to bring chairs and blankets for their own comfort.
ALTERNATE/BAD WEATHER PLANS: Rain or shine the parade is on (barring a major storm). If there is too much rain leading up to the parade, it is possible that MV Parks & Rec will decide that using Boyle Park for our opening ceremony would damage the field. If so, we will follow an adjusted route that will start and end at Old Mill School, circling back after passing through downtown. Opening Day Ceremony would then take place on the Lower Blacktop behind Old Mill School. We will post an update to the website the morning of the parade by 7:00 am with information of any route changes should they be necessary. www.millvalleyll.org
Ceremony: The Opening Day Ceremony will begin when all of the teams have arrived and are seated on the Minor League field grass at Boyle Park. We will be as efficient as possible; expect the ceremony to end at approximately 10:45 am.
Parking: Please obey city parking rules. Mill Valley police will ticket illegally parked cars.
Photo Day: Team photos are taken throughout the day at Boyle Park Picnic Area. More detailed information about Photo Day, including the schedule, will be sent out via email as soon as we have confirmed times from Shooting Stars. The schedule will also be posted on the MVLL website. IN THE EVENT OF RAIN, WE MAY ANNOUNCE AN ALTERNATE LOCATION OR DATE FOR THE PHOTOS.
Thank you in advance for following the guidelines and we look forward to celebrating the start of an amazing year of Little League Baseball with you!
2024 Parade and Ceremony Contacts:
Claire Bindeman
[email protected]
Natasha Kindergan
[email protected]