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Mill Valley Little League


Rookie League serves as the first introduction to baseball for many children – boys and girls alike! The basics of throwing and hitting are introduced, as well as a general knowledge of base running and positions, but the primary focus is on sportsmanship, safety, and fun. Skills, interest levels, and attention spans all tend to vary greatly at this age. Rookie League managers are provided ideas, guidance, and tools for the best ways to build camaraderie, create a consistently fun experience, and ensure that every player is excited for the next practice, the next game, and next year!

Rules of the Rookie League - 2025


*All batters must hit from a batting tee until the first Saturday/Game in MAY. (No Exceptions)

*Beginning the 1st Saturday game in MAY, Coaches may only pitch while the coach is on one knee. (No Exceptions)

  • All players will come to bat once per inning and no “outs” will be recorded. All batters will reach base safely
  • Each batter will be thrown a maximum 7 pitches from which to hit. If the ball has not been hit by the seventh pitch, the hitting tee is brought out for that batter.
  • A batter cannot strike out. A batter may advance to first base on a foul ball if the coach encourages the player to run it out.
  • The inning ends after the last hitter rounds the bases.
  • The team at bat must have one adult coach in the dugout at all times. Only one player is allowed to have a bat in their hands and that is the batter. NO on deck swings are permitted.
  • All hitters and runners must wear a helmet.
  • The team at bat should have adult coaches at first and third base.



  • All hitters and runners will be limited to one base per hit. Runners may not advance on an overthrow. The last batter of each inning shall be permitted to round the bases. The batting order may be changed every inning if desired, as long as all players get to bat in an inning. 
  • Sliding is prohibited. Runners may not advance on an overthrow. Although runners should be taught to learn to run the bases correctly, over-running a base is allowed, yet not encouraged. Walks, bunts, stealing, and leading off the base are not allowed. Even if a batter is thrown out by the defensive team, that batter shall remain on first base and become a base runner. No stealing of bases is allowed.


  • All players must play in the field every inning.
  • Learning to catch ground balls and soft throws are good goals; catching fly balls and proper use of the glove are better suited for the star and farm leagues.
  • The suggested defensive arrangement is 2 pitcher assistants (let them field the batted balls), 5-6 infielders and 5-6 outfielders.
  • Players should rotate positions each inning. Rotate the players thru all positions through out the season so all get to play all positions. 
  • No player is allowed to play catcher. This position shall be played by a coach.
  • The defensive team should have one adult coach in the outfield and one adult coach in the infield. One of the adult coaches will be responsible for monitoring the runners at second base. These coaches are to help keep the players focused on the game and help with play. Please try not to interfere with the ball.

Game Specifics

  • The recommended time of play is 60 minutes or three full innings. There is no keeping of score nor are there wins and losses.



  • A soft baseball and aluminum bats are used (these are provided by the league)
  • Each player should have his/her own glove (leather is recommended)  (T & B sports on 4th street in San Rafael and Big 5 Sports in Corte Madera are the closest sporting goods stores.)
  • MVLL provides NOCSAE-compliant helmets for players' use.  If a player chooses to use a personal helmet, it must be affixed with the NOCSAE symbol, be free of cracks or other visible damage, and all of the internal padding must not be missing, tattered, torn or frayed.  Helmets with travel ball logos are not permitted.  No stickers may be added to the helmets.

Team Basics 

  • Only roster players are allowed to participate at practice and in games. Please be responsible when bringing younger siblings to practice and games. We play on open fields and the young ones love to “help”.
  • Player rosters should be limited to 12 players.
  • Kindergartners, regardless of prior experience, are assigned to Rookie league teams.


Team Personnel

  • Manager – This is the Head coach. Responsible for assigning players positions, communication to the team parents and running the practice.
  • Coach (s) – Assist the Manager.
  • Team Parent – Organizes team events, trophies at the end of the year…


For questions, contact your Rookie League Commissioner, Cara Porter, at [email protected].

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