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Mill Valley Little League



(Revised May 10, 2024) 


1. Mill Valley Juniors teams participate in both in-house and District 3 Interleague play. Some games will be played at fields in Marin County other than Alto Field.  All National Little League rules are in effect per 2024 “Official Regulations and Playing Rules” (a/k/a the “LL Rule Book”) which can be downloaded from the Little League website, except as noted below. 

(a). Juniors Code. MVLL Juniors is the final step for Little League players as they graduate to the regulation 60/90 field on which they will play for the remainder of their baseball careers, and as such our expectations are higher for sportsmanship and respect for the game, the umpires, coaches, and all players. This means playing at a high level with the spirit of the game in mind. Players should take standard baseball positions and outfielders should not be placed in an infield position.  Managers and coaches should be mindful of excessive gamesmanship from the bench and intervene early.

2. Game length:  A game ends after 7 innings if the visiting team is ahead (or 6.5 innings if home team ahead, and immediately in the bottom of the 7th inning when the winning run is scored).  If a game is tied after 7 innings, then the game will proceed to extra innings subject to game length limitations below.  If a game is called, it becomes a regulation game if 5 innings have been completed (see Rule 4.10(c)(1)) with one team ahead, and the final score will be the last completed full inning.   Refer to Rules 4.11 and 4.12 for games halted during an inning.  If the game is called before reaching regulation length for a complete game (whether due to darkness, weather, time limit or local field curfew) or while the score from the last completed inning is tied, the remainder of the game will resume at another time and from the exact point at which the game was halted in order to complete a regulation game.  All Juniors teams need to play 12 games to completion in order to constitute a regulation ‘season schedule’ per District guidelines.  Local fields may enforce modifications to the below-stated game length guidelines; all such local rules must be confirmed by both Managers with the Umpires during the pre-game home-plate discussion.  

Prior to spring break:

(a) Weeknight: 2 hr 15 minute time limit from the scheduled start of the game. No new inning starts after 2 hr 15 minute mark, but the inning in progress may be completed.

(b) Weekend: no new inning may commence within 45 minutes of the next scheduled game start time. If no later game is scheduled, the game should be played until completion. 

After spring break, all games should be played to completion, subject to being halted by the umpire for darkness.

3. Rain: When Alto Field has not been closed by the City per the City’s website (, teams are expected to show up at field 45 minutes before scheduled start. Alto Field drains very well and light showers in the morning should not result in cancellation. The Juniors Commissioner or his/her designee will make the final decision regarding whether a field is playable. For games scheduled at fields other than Alto, the team Manager will communicate the field status via TeamSnap.

4. Equipment Allowed:

(a) Bats: Permissible bats must be imprinted with the USA bat logo (“USABats” or “USA”). Alternatively, players may use bats which meet the BBCOR bat (HS) standard. Wood bats are allowed if they comply with LL Rules. No other pre-2018 bats (or marked bpf 1.15) are allowed. Umpires will check to confirm that equipment is conforming to this standard only. Any noncompliant bat will be removed from the field of play. See this link for more details:

(b) Cleats: Metal cleats are allowed in Juniors.  Pitchers are required to use rubber cleats or turf shoes at fields utilizing artificial turf mounds; Alto has a regular dirt mound, and Managers will alert players prior to playing a game at a field with an artificial turf mound.

(c) Pitchers’ Undershirts: Any part of the pitcher’s undershirt or T-shirt exposed to view needs to be a solid color (i.e., no designs).  The pitcher’s undershirt sleeves, if exposed, cannot be white or gray. Neoprene sleeves, if worn by a pitcher, must be covered by an undershirt.

(d) Jewelry: No jewelry is allowed (including but not limited to: rings, watches, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, or hard cosmetic/decorative items other than hair control).

(e) Throat guards: All catchers are required to use dangling throat guards, including ‘hockey-style’ catchers helmets.

(f) Batting Donuts: No donuts are allowed at any time by the on-deck batter or any players swinging bats.

5. Dugouts: Home teams as designated by the schedule will occupy the 1st base dugout, visitors the 3rd base dugout. 

6. Batting Practice on Game Day Field: Batting practice, soft toss, pepper, or any other drills involving swinging bats are prohibited on any game day field prior to scheduled start time.

7. Continuous Batting Order: Players attending the game shall bat in a continuous order throughout the entire game regardless of when they play in the field.

8. Mercy Rule:  If after 4 innings (3.5 innings if home team ahead) one team has a lead of 15 or more runs, the losing team shall concede the victory to the opponent.  If after 5 innings (4.5 innings if home team ahead) one team has a lead of 10 or more runs, the losing team shall concede the victory to the opponent. If after 6 innings (5.5 innings if home team ahead) one team has a lead of 8 or more runs, the losing team shall concede the victory to the opponent.  A game determined by the 15-run rule, 10-run rule or 8-run rule shall be considered a regulation game.  If the teams wish to continue as a scrimmage, without interfering with a following game, they may do so, but the umpires will be excused at the completion of the regulation game. 

9. Playing Time: For teams that have 12-14 players in their line-up, every player on the team roster will participate in each game for a minimum three (3) complete innings in the field in 7-inning games, three (3) complete innings in a 6-inning game, and two (2) complete innings in a 5-inning game. For teams that have 15 players in their line-up, every player on the team roster will participate in each game for a minimum two (2) complete innings in the field for any length of a regulation game.  A complete inning is three consecutive outs. Players can be alternated in consecutive innings.  If a team only has 11 or fewer players in their line-up for a given game, each of the above referenced minimum player requirements shall increase by 1 inning.  During the post-season playoffs, for a game where the teams have a roster imbalance of two or more, the manager of the team with the larger roster may elect to use Rule 3.03 to set the batting order.

9. Adult Coaches: Teams may have no more than 3 approved/certified adults within the confines of the field during a game. Adults may coach in the coach’s boxes at 1st and 3rd bases when the team is on offense. When the team is not on offense all adults must be in the dugout. A team may have a scorekeeper sitting in the stands, but coaching should not be done from the stands or other field areas. One adult must be in the dugout at all times. Only adults within the confines of the field at the time of first pitch will be permitted. All adults on the field must have registered as a Volunteer through MVLL Registration, and must have successfully completed all background checks required by Little League International and the State of California. 

10. Offensive Time Outs: Local: in the interest of time, only one offensive time out will be granted per inning. 

11. Mound Visits:  In Juniors, the manager or coach may visit a pitcher once per inning; if there is a second visit in the inning to the same pitcher, the pitcher must be removed.  Furthermore, the manager or coach can only visit a pitcher twice per game; if there is a third visit in the game to the same pitcher, the pitcher must be removed.  See Rule 8.06.

12. Runner Must Avoid Fielder: A runner must slide or attempt to go around a fielder who is attempting to make a play on a batted ball or has the ball and is waiting to make a tag.  Defensive players without the ball cannot block the base path. See Rules 7.08 and 7.09

13. Pitching:  Any player on a regular season team may pitch. LL Rule Book pitch count limitations are in effect:  A pitch is defined as a “ball delivered to the batter by the pitcher.” For example: if a batter fouls off three pitches on a full count, all three pitches are added to the pitch count even though the ball/strike count remains full at 3 and 2. Warm up pitches at the start of an inning do not count towards pitch count. Travel ball pitching counts towards Juniors pitch counts and must be reported by the team's Manager.

League Age 13-14: max 95 pitches per day; the pitch count determines how many days of rest are required before said player may pitch again per table below:

• 1-20 Pitches = 0 Days Rest

• 21-35 Pitches = 1 Day Rest

• 36-50 Pitches = 2 Days Rest

• 51-65 Pitches = 3 Days Rest

• 66+ Pitches = 4 Days Rest

Per District Rules, the visiting team keeps the official pitch count, which must be signed-off by the home team Manager prior to being reported to the District along with the final score.

Note: if a pitcher reaches a pitch count limit as described above while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch until any one of the following conditions occurs:

1.      The batter reaches base;

2.      The batter is put out;

3.      The third out is made to complete the half-inning of the game;

4.      The pitcher is removed from the mound prior to the batter completing his/her at bat.

A Manager or Coach may visit the pitcher twice per inning, 3 times max per game (at which point the pitcher must be removed from that position.) Once removed from mound, a pitcher may take another field position immediately.

A pitcher may return to mound once in game if removed from mound but has not been removed from the game (i.e., the player was in field or on bench during the interval). (Rule 4.04)

A Manager or Coach may warm up a pitcher.  (Rule 3.09)

The LL Rule Book allows a pitcher to pitch in 2 games in one day, so long as that pitcher does not exceed the specified pitch count. Note: if a pitcher has pitched in a Juniors game during the preceding 4 days, that pitcher is subject to regular rest requirements for eligibility to pitch in a second game.  

14. Balk Rules: Rule 8.05 covers what constitutes an ‘illegal pitch’ (balk).  When a balk is called by an Umpire, a ball is called to the batter, and any runners advance one base.  Since balks are a new phenomenon for many rising players, the Managers will consult with the game Umpires to use the early part of the season to instruct the pitchers on balks by calling a warning and describing the infraction.

15. ‘Dropped’ 3rd Strike: Per rule 6.05, batters may advance to first base as a runner on a 3rd strike which is not caught ‘in flight’ by the catcher (i.e., the pitch does not touch the ground before or after a swing-and-miss or the pitch is called a strike), provided that first base is not occupied with less than 2 outs.  Furthermore, the batter becomes a runner and may advance to first base when strike 3 is not caught if first base is occupied AND there are two outs. 

16.  Pitcher/Catcher: A pitcher who throws 40 or more pitches in a game may not play in the catcher position. If the pitcher reaches 39 pitches while facing a batter, they may continue to pitch until that at-bat is completed, and then thereafter play the position of catcher for the remainder of that game. A catcher who catches less than 4 innings in a game may pitch.  For the purposes of this rule, the catcher shall be considered to have caught 4 innings as soon as they receive the first pitch of the 4th inning, and then becomes ineligible to pitch in that game.

17. Pinch Runners: No pinch runners in Juniors (because of the continuous batting order, all batters are in the lineup - Rule 7.14) but if a player is injured, a substitute runner may be used who must be the player who made the last/prior out.  Pre-existing injuries should be declared during the pre-game meeting at home plate with the Managers and umpires, where a player is able to bat but should not serve as a runner on base.  To speed pace-of-play, courtesy runners are allowed when there are two outs for catcher/pitcher who are slated to play in the field during the following half-inning.  

18. Defensive position changes. Once an inning has begun, no defensive position changes are permitted unless they are due to a change of a pitcher or injury to a player. 

19. Head First Slides Permitted: runners in Juniors may advance via head first slide – see Rule 7.08(a)(4); head first dives back to an occupied base are also permitted.

20. Vocal Harassment: Organized chatter, taunting or uniform cadenced speech is not allowed.  Managers/Coaches will not shout “safe” or “out” or give the “safe” or “out” sign from the coach’s boxes or shout “good pitch” in advance of umpire making the call. Such behavior is subject to ejection from the game. 

21. Umpires: Any harassment of umpires by Managers, Coaches or parents will not be tolerated. Managers are responsible for maintaining their coaches' and fans' decorum. Positive cheering is always encouraged. Any umpire’s decision which involves judgment, such as, but not limited to, whether a batted ball is fair or foul, whether a pitch is a ball or strike, or whether a runner is safe or out, is final. No player, Manager, Coach or parent, shall object to any judgment decision.

22. Clean Up: Each team is responsible for cleaning up litter in the dugout and stands before vacating the field. Managers should have a team parent encourage families to assist clean-up of the stands area before leaving. 

23. Field Maintenance: The home team drags and waters the field (when conditions so warrant) at the end of the last game of the day at Alto and covers the mound and home plate with the provided tarps.  The home team is responsible for assembling the outfield fence before a Weeknight game and before the first Weekend game of the day at Alto.  The away team is responsible for disassembling and storing the outfield fence after a Weeknight game and after the last Weekend game of the day.  Managers should coordinate with players and parents to arrive sufficiently early to assemble the outfield fence prior to warm-ups and to share these duties throughout the season using the Assignments feature on TeamSnap.

24. Pool Players: All players are expected to participate in Pool Play as needed. The use of Pool Players is governed by the LL Rule Book. Each team should have 10 players to start every game. Pool Players are treated as regular members of the team but wear their own jersey/cap. Pool Players may not pitch and are required to play 9 defensive outs. They bat at the end of the lineup. Requests for Pool Players should be made 48 hours before an upcoming game when a team has 9 or fewer players confirmed. Every effort will be made to accommodate late requests.

25. Minimum Number of Players: Failure of a team to field 8 players requires a reschedule (NOT an automatic forfeit). If a team drops below 8 players due to injury, the game will be suspended and must be continued at another date. Umpires must depart. A game cannot be played with borrowed players from the opposing team. The rescheduled game will resume at same point as it was stopped. Pitching rules in the continuation of the game are subject to eligibility of the pitcher (observance of rest rules). See paragraph 12 above and LL Rule Book for details.

26.  Protests: District rules allow for a game to be played under protest. Protests are adjudicated by the District Administrator and District Umpire-in-Chief.

27. Intentional walks – Per Rule 6.08(a)(2) the defense may elect to “Intentionally Walk” a batter by announcing such decision to the plate umpire. The request may be made prior to or during the at-bat. A given player may only be intentionally walked by announcing such decision to the home plate umpire one time during the course of the game. This would not restrict a team from throwing four balls outside of the strike zone to this batter at another time during the game.

28. Any questions should be directed to the Juniors League Commissioner.

mvll juniors rules update 051024.pdf

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