Registration FAQ’s
Who can play in Mill Valley Little League?
Players who are League Age 8 through League Age 14, plus League Age 15 8th graders must live in Mill Valley (West of Highway 101) and/or attend a Mill Valley public or private school. Note that kids who attend Strawberry Point School must live on the west side of the freeway to be eligible to play Mill Valley Little League. Check our League Age Chart to find your child’s “league age”.
Players who are League Age 5 through League Age 7 are eligible to play in MVLL regardless of residential location or school attendance. This is due to the Little League International 2025 Regulation II Update.
We strongly encourage girls to join MVLL. We have seen a steady increase over the years in girls playing baseball. The very first girl to ever legally play Little League in the United States played right here in Mill Valley! Girls in the competitive divisions have made All Stars; women hold positions of senior leadership on the Board. Please encourage your daughters to play!
What level do I sign my child up for?
As a starting point, MVLL follows Little League International “league age” to determine the level your child ought to register for. “League Age” for Spring 2025 is your child’s age on August 31, 2025. Don’t want to do that math? Check our League Age Chart to find your child’s “league age”. The divisions are there too, and below:
Rookies: League Age 5 and 6
Star: League Age 7
Farm: League Age 8 and 9
Triple-A: League Age 9 and 10
Minors: League Age 10 and 11
Majors: League Age 11 (some) and 12 (all)
Juniors: League Age 13 and 14 plus League Age 15 players in Grade 8
Hey! Wait a minute! There’s more than one division for some of those ages!
Kids develop baseball skills at varying rates. Some League Age 9’s may benefit from a second year of Farm, and some are ready to move on to AAA. Some League Age 10’s may benefit from a second year of AAA, while others are ready for Minors. And so on. Not sure which division is the one for your player? Talk to your child’s coach, or call the Player Agent for guidance.
My child is the next Shohei Ohtani. I’m ready to jump him or her up a division! Who do I talk to?
It is our experience that children stay with the sport longer and have more fun when they play with their friends their own age. Furthermore, each division within MVLL is designed to introduce a new set of skills for your player to develop. Accordingly, we do not allow "playing up" for League Age 5, 6, or 7 year olds. In very rare circumstances, we may allow a League Age 8, 9, or 10 year old an opportunity to tryout for a higher division (for example, an 8 for AAA, a 9 for Minors, or a 10 for Majors). The opportunity to tryout requires approval of the Player Agent, the appropriate division Commissioners, and the MVLL President. Additionally, the player must be drafted in the first four rounds in order to play in the higher division. Please contact the Player Agent at [email protected] for more information on the process and what is required.
My child has a summer birthday, so we started him/her in school a year later, and he/she is a year older than his/her classmates. I think he/she would have more fun with his/her classmates. Can he/she play down?
Almost 100% of the time, the answer to that question will be “yes”. Contact the Player Agent to make that happen. Note that these "academic redshirts" are welcome to play with their age-mates rather than their grade-mates, meaning that the player would be playing with youngsters a grade above; if this is the decision a family makes, we note that it will work out best for the player from a baseball development perspective if this decision is made while in Rookie or Star, rather than in later divisions.
My child played Rookie at Age 5 in Pre-K and is now League Age 6 in Kindergarten. Can we move up to Star a year early?
While we are delighted your player joined us in Pre-K, we require that all League Age 6-year-olds play in Rookie, regardless of prior experience.
Money’s a little tight. Do you have scholarships, and how do I apply for one?
We can help. Email us at [email protected] for more information about MVLL scholarships.
Whoops! I missed the registration deadline. Now what?
For the non-competitive divisions (Rookie, Star, Farm), if we have any open spots, we’ll do our best to accommodate your player on a space-available basis. For the competitive divisions (AAA, Minors, Majors), once we have held our tryouts and drafted teams, our teams are usually set. Juniors are similar to the non-competitive divisions in that we have no tryouts, but once teams are formed, we are only able to take players on a space-available basis. However, we want your child to play baseball! Contact the Commissioner of the appropriate division (go to the division you're interested in here for contact information) to find out what your options are.
Since League Age 13's cannot "drop down" to Majors (Little League International rules), in 2025, we are planning to cap our popular Juniors division at 78 players. When we reach 78 registrations, we will move to a waitlist. You can avoid this problem by REGISTERING EARLY.
We would like BOTH parents to be on our child’s registration so that we can both be notified of MVLL updates. How do we do this?
The primary account holder will be the parent who registers the child. This parent needs to do the following: Go to “Account Holder Settings”, and “Add Additional Account Holder”, and when prompted to do so, send an invitation to the “Additional Account Holder”. This individual must accept the invitation in order to be linked to the child’s account. Alternatively, once the data is entered, MVLL can link the accounts from our end – contact us at [email protected].
Alternatively, a second parent can create an account on his or her own and MVLL can link the accounts from our end.
How long is the baseball season? When does it start and finish?
Practices begin in late February, after the Mill Valley public schools’ Mid-Winter Recess. The season ends in early June, about the same time as the end of the public school year. If your player is selected for All Stars, the season could go through the end of June or beyond. More detailed information about All Stars can be found here.
What is the time commitment at each division?
Division | Practice Per Week | Games Per Week | Total Per Week |
Rookie | 1 Day (60 minutes) | 1 Game (60 minutes | 2 Days (2 hours) |
Star | 1 Day (60 minutes) | 1 Game (75 minutes) | 2 Days (2.25 hours) |
Farm | 2 Days (90 minutes each) | 1 Game (90 minutes) | 3 Days (3 hours) |
AAA | 2 Days (90-120 minutes each) | 2 Games (2-2.5 hours)* | 4 Days (6 hours)^^ |
Minors | 2 Days (90-120 minutes each) | 2 Games (2-2.5 hours)* | 4 Days (6 hours)^^ |
Majors | 2 Days (90-120 minutes each) | 2 Games (2 -2.5 hours)** | 4 Days (6 hours)^^ |
* two-games a week (one on a weeknight, and one on a Saturday)
^^ Often practice hours and game will be back-to-back or overlap by pairing cage and field.
** games in majors often move more quickly as pitching improves.
Where does all the action happen?
MVLL uses Boyle, Friends Field, the small diamond at Edna Maguire School (Rookie and Star only), Bell Ropers, and Alto Field. Boyle Buena Vista (aka “Boyle Majors”) is located at the Buena Vista Street side of Boyle Park. Boyle Thalia (aka “Boyle Minors”) is located at the Thalia Street side of Boyle Park. Friends Field is adjacent to the Mill Valley Community Center. “Friends North” is the northern end of the field – the side closest to the Community Center. “Friends South” is the southern end of the field – the side closest to the Middle School. Bell Ropers is the grassy field north of the dog park along side the Multi-Use Path (Bayfront is the northernmost field, Bell Ropers is in the middle, and the dog park is the southernmost field). Alto Field is above Edna Maguire, and is most easily accessed from Vasco Court.
How do you form the teams?
For our Rookie, Star and Farm divisions, the Commissioner of each division forms the teams. You will have the opportunity to make friend requests during the registration process; please use the first AND last name of the children with whom your child wishes to play. There are no guarantees, but we do our best.
For our Triple-A, Minors, Majors and Juniors divisions, managers draft their teams from the pool of available players based on prior seasons’ evaluations, tryouts (for AAA, Minors, and Majors), and their personal knowledge of the players.
I see I can sign myself up to volunteer as well! What are the available positions?
A “manager” is baseball-speak for “head coach” (just like the big leagues). A coach or assistant coach is a member of the coaching staff led by the manager. If you want to manage or coach a team, three cheers for you! You need to register yourself as a volunteer and contact the Commissioner of the division in which you want to be a manager or coach. It is very important that you contact the Commissioner directly - you can send a note to [email protected] which will be forwarded to the Commissioner. Commissioners have the final say in slating managers for their divisions, and then the Board votes to approve the coaching staffs before the season begins. Be aware any and all adults on the field with our players must pass a Little League background check first, as well as complete fingerprinting and the State of California's Livescan background check.
MVLL has other volunteer opportunities as well. You can find a list of these opportunities when you register your child to play little league; you can also check here for current opportunities.
Can my child play other sports/pursue other activities while playing baseball?
Yes, but we caution parents to remember that baseball is a team sport. If your child is regularly absent, it affects the rest of the team. If two or three children are regularly absent, the team may find itself forfeiting games if it does not have enough players. Every season, we have parents asking if the team’s practice schedule can be changed to accommodate their child’s schedule; be aware that this is virtually impossible. We are also not able to switch your child to a different team to accommodate schedule issues.
Do I need to upload all of those school enrollment and proof of residency documents?
As a practical matter, we typically do not collect these documents as part of our regular season registration. You can just move right past that when you register your player. If we do need this documentation for some reason, we'll reach out to you and ask for it. We do collect this information for all All Star players in June.
We have created a quick video summarizing MVLL tryouts and the skill assessment that takes place -
Tryout Video Summary
What levels require a Tryout?
We conduct tryouts (also known as “skills assessments”) for our competitive divisions (AAA, Minors, and Majors). We do not conduct tryouts for our Rookie, Star, Farm, or Junior divisions.
What are tryouts?
For our competitive divisions, we conduct a skills assessment that provides our Managers and Commissioners the opportunity to evaluate each player's baseball skills including fielding, throwing, hitting, running, and pitching (optional). This evaluation helps us accomplish two things:
(1) ensure each player is playing at a level appropriate to his or her skill set
(so as to have the most fun and thrive
)(2) teams are evenly balanced in each division
When are tryouts?
The tryout schedule for the 2025 Spring season is organized by a player's league age - check our League Age chart here. Typically, we start with the oldest players (12's) and work our way down, with the 12's and 11's trying out on Saturday of tryouts weekend, and the 10's and 9's on Sunday of tryouts weekend. For 2025, tryouts weekend is January 25-26, but if we must cancel that weekend due to weather, tryouts will be rescheduled for the following weekend – February 1-2. We ask families to be flexible if this happens – it’s completely out of our control.
We are out of town or my player is not able to participate in tryouts that weekend. Are there makeup days?
Unfortunately, we do not offer makeup dates for tryouts (the exception is if the original tryout dates are canceled due to weather). In MVLL, the coaching staffs and commissioners evaluate the players during the tryout weekend. To host a make-up session, we would need to bring back the managers and coaches of all teams in each division to evaluate the players who missed the main tryout.
While we strongly encourage families to do their best to have their players at tryouts, we recognize that it’s not always possible. If your player has played in MVLL before, we have evaluation data that managers and coaches will be able to rely upon in making their drafting decisions.
Does everyone make a team?Yes, every player timely registered in Rookie through Majors will be placed on a team (see above regarding the cap on the number of Juniors we can accommodate). During the skills assessment process, MVLL league personnel may identify players that may be asked to play in a different division than the one they registered for. This decision is made for the player's safety and/or because it is a better fit for skill development purposes. The division Commissioner and/or Player Agent will privately discuss this with the player’s family.
Players who are league-age 9 (typically, Grade 3) with prior playing experience will not be placed in a division below the Triple-A division.
Players who are league-age 10 (typically, Grade 4) with prior playing experience will not be placed in a division below the Triple-A division.
Players who are league-age 11 (typically, Grade 5) with prior playing experience will not be placed in a division below the Minors division.
Players who are league-age 12 (typically, Grade 6) must play in the Majors division unless a waiver to a different division is approved by league and district administrators.
Players who are league-age 13 and up must play in the Juniors division; there are no waivers down to Majors.
In the Minors and Majors divisions, it is possible that some players league-age 10 will not be drafted onto a Minors team, and some players league-age 11 will not be drafted onto a Majors team. In these situations, a player league age 10 is guaranteed to play on a AAA team, and a player league age 11 is guaranteed a spot on a Minors team. The player will be placed in the appropriate draft after being notified by the Player Agent of the situation.